Should that happen, You can fix it by using the console command. ~*~ VERY Important ~*~ You must dismiss Pyre as your follower before you unsubscribe from this mod or you will get stuck with a follower count at 1, making it impossible to recruit another follower. mini flame atronachs can't ride horses, lol, and your game might crash. **Note** Probably not compatible with mods that allow horses for followers or modify follower behavior, etc. You can just talk to her and tell her to follow you again if that happens. Pyre will leave your service if she is attacked by you multiple times and will start heading back to the Hall of the Dead. If she isn't there try waiting a day or two, as it can take her a while to get back. When dismissed as your follower Pyre will simply return to the the Hall of the Dead in White Run, where she will patiently wait for you until she is needed again. (Just for all you mage types out there that like to make things go boom, your AOE spells should be less harmful to her. I also gave her a small resistance to magic damage and she is 100% resistant to fire. Pyre has the Light Foot perk and won't trigger pressure plates, and she also has the full Agile Defender perk and Unhindered perk for light armor, as well as Silence and Muffled Movement. Pyre will not effect player sneaking and won't initiate combat until you are being attacked, she is marked as essential and CAN NOT be killed and will enter a bleedout state when her health gets low. In combat Pyre will act like a normal flame atronach and use fireballs to help you decimate your foes. She CAN'T equip a shield or weapons, because she doesn't need them.

She CAN equip a full set of armor, a ring and a necklace. Pyre will act like a normal follower and carry items, be told to wait, pick up stuff, etc. She can be found inside the Hall of the Dead in White Run. Graphics: 1GB VRAM / OpenGL 4.Player can recruit a miniature Flame Atronach follower, just talk to Pyre and tell her to follow you.Your actions will determine who returns to glory, and who remains in exile to the end of their days. As you journey across the Downside in the wanderers' custom blackwagon, you'll meet a variety of characters of all shapes and sizes, and learn what's in store for each of them should they prevail in the Rites. With your help, they seek to learn the truth about the Rites, a secretive competition through which the worthiest exiles can return home, absolved of their transgressions. Pyre is a party-based RPG in which you lead a band of exiles to freedom through an ancient competition spread across a vast, mystical purgatory.Īt the beginning of the game, your luck has almost run out when several masked wanderers find you and revive you from the brink.